Feasts of the Lord
ALLIANCE WITH ISRAEL: The Coming of the last and big Shavuot

 Yaakov, Béla Orbán

It seemed important to us to treat this subject after having been in Africa for a ministry where Christians asked me to teach them about the relation that Christianity should have with Jews.

The title involves a myriad of questions that are very difficult to answer and that have to be preceded by the redefining of some basic notions.  

What could the reader think when he sees these two words standing side by side?

- Alliance such as Union, when men and their organisations or even their countries unite be in one?

- Christian organisations which relations (good or not) are working together with the State of Israel?  

- Or perhaps do these words refer to the relationship between the Jews still living in the Diaspora and those who have already rejoined Israel?  

- Or does it express the way that Messianic Jews should be connected to Israel?

- And in the same context we could talk about the relationship that Messianic Jews who have already recognised the Messiah in Yeshua HaMashiach of Nazareth should maintain with Jews who have not recognised Him yet.

It is only after having reconsidered and redefined these words that we’re going to be able to ask how any alliance can be made between different people and states or between Messianic Jews together with the Gentiles and the Jewish People according to God’s Will so that it should be a blessing for both parts?

The answer to this question has above all to be researched in the promises made through the prophecies.

This big amount of questions raises the following problem: what are the meeting and connecting points between Peoples and what are the basic rules according to which these points must correctly function such as they were ordained by God to  all of us?

This analysis has a double aim:

To protect those who take the initiative of such alliances together with the Jewish People in the case if the love that is felt towards Israel does not appear according to the Will of God.

Enormous harm can be caused if this love is not well-founded and all blessings from one side and the other can act as curses against each other because they are coming from a human will, from the soul and does not come from the spirit!

However we must do this analysis because God’s promises are clear: All those who will bless the Chosen People will be blessed themselves. These blessings mostly fall back on those they are coming from!

All this is made in an equal quantity because all those who bless Israel receive the same amount of blessings through Israel.

So Jewish People received a similar role to the one of a bridge through which blessings are going to God and flowing back from Him through the ministry that was given to the Jewish People.  

So the acceptance of the Chosen People and its blessings involves by the same way the acceptance and the blessing of the Eternal God, who lives among them.

The Eternal God gives us His answers through His People and shows Himself to each man through it.  

The answer to our question is the original answer, the one that was given very long ago which applies for ever and which stands in the knowledge and the acceptation of Israel’s Calling given by God for the eternity:  

To make all People know God’s Laws. The Laws that today point to Yeshua HaMashiach and to Grace. These Laws that are now Orders in Christ’s Body by the action of Christ’s Spirit: the Holy Spirit.  

This Calling, this mission is the fulfilment of the Will of God that appeared on the Horeb when the Alliance, the Covenant, the Revelation of Laws was made between God and the Chosen People. This is the mission and Covenant that the Jewish People accepted to do and to accomplish throughout the nations.  

Alliance between each other?

No alliance is possible if it comes from a human will!

When we talk about relations between Israel and the people or between Jews and Christians we have to signal that an Alliance has already been passed between God and His People and it can’t be modified or cancelled by no means!

Without God, without the acceptance of Jew’s Calling and without the total functioning of the reign of Yeshua HaMashiach, there is no possible alliance between any men or state that stands in the Will of God.  

It is possible to maintain good relations due to common interests or many other things, but all these are coming from men’s soul and finish up wanting to assimilate and subdue Jewish People to the profits of any sort of movements or missions...

Only the Messiah’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit is able to unite and ally Christianity and the Jewish People. This is the only way that God’s People and God’s Saved People can be united together by all being members of the Body of the Messiah.

For that reason the union of the two people is in all point comparable to a wedding, which is in accordance with God’s criteria.

The two parts are put side by side by the Creative Spirit of God, which distributes each one’s task in order to keep each one’s original Calling so that both Callings continue to function in one by completing each other.  

Such as a husband who does not abandon his man’s identity by getting married, Israel should never loose its Jewish identity either.  

As Jews and as members of the Body of the Messiah, we must keep and safeguard our identity and Calling in all our relations and further alliances with others. In the same way we also must respect other’s identity and specific callings.  We must close every door that could open on any antichrist power.  

The refuse of Jew’s calling is a clear outrage and obstruction to the fulfilment of the prophecies. This reaction is nothing else like a spiritual power braking the construction of the Body of Christ, in other words the presence of the antichrist’s spirit among assemblies.

It is important to unmask subsequently any form of anti-Zionism or anti-Judaism theology among Christianity.  

We have to prevent and avoid all kind of globalization that comes most of the time from theologies and dogma often under a Jewish mask and often through persons from Jewish origin!

It is particularly our duty, the duty of every faithful from Jewish origin who knows his calling as a Jew living and serving under the Rule and Power of Yeshua HaMashiach and the Holy Spirit.  

The Bride, the Body of the Messiah will only be complete when both parts will be united just as a husband and a wife in the wedding.  

Christianity has to stop wanting to enlace and assimilate the faithful from Jewish origin. They have to accept the mission that had been given to the Jewish community and have to help that by going in the same way and direction in one united spirit: by uniting in Yeshua HaMashiach.

This is alsotrue in reverse. Most Jews turn away from the outside world and other people. They rarely accept goys or accept them just after conversion to Judaism…

Because the Jew is expecting the Messiah, we cannot say that he is anti-messiah (antichrist). They accept the Messiah and wait for Him. However and despite themselves and in accordance to God’s Will, most of them do not see Him and couldn’t recognise Him yet in Yeshua HaMashiach of Nazareth.  

But as long as this recognition hasn’t been reached, no alliance is possible with the goys because there is nobody to really unite both parts to each other.  

We have to ask the following urgent question:

Which part has to change the most quickly?

Jewish community lives under the veil according to the Will of God.

It is a particular Grace when God reveals the identity of the Messiah to one of us...

The believers from the other people, the Gentiles don’t have this veil upon the eyes for more than 2000 years. Moreover by the action of the Holy Spirit the Gospel has already spread throughout the whole world so that after conversion all of them could be born again and live under the reign of Christ.

This reign is the one of the Holy Spirit and of Christ, the reign of the Spirit of the Messiah and His leading where nothing that is against the Will of God can remain!

Where God’s Spirit has led anyone to the knowledge and to the rule of the Messiah’s Spirit, the refuse and the will of expropriation of Jew’s Calling stops instantly.

Without the acceptance of the Holy Spirit neither union nor reunion between Christians and Jews is possible. No common path, no common ministry can take place without the recognition of the Holy Spirit.  

Where the Jewish community doesn’t stand in its right place and in the Calling that was ordained to them by God, the false charismatic or the anti-charismatic can rise up!

By the same way, the force that could unite the two parts fades away. Yeshua Himself and the spirit can be substituted by the soul’s will.  

As long as one or the other part doesn’t accept the other and tries to put himself above the other, God waits patiently without saying anything.

During this time the Spirit of God goes on working on the demolition of these walls and tries to restore the relationships.  

This work is important to anyone who holds His Spirit in his hearth and who is led by Him.  

To resume:

When the Body of the Messiah is being built up, it’s God’s Spirit Himself who takes the initiative of it and who does it by blowing life Himself into the stones that compose the Temple.  

When men are building, lots of very big and beautiful things may be born that can even be useful for the construction of the Body of Christ, but these buildings are although soulish, man-made and remain in a material level.  

The Body of the Messiah is although a spiritual Temple composed by two people having the same chief and walking on the same path towards the Kingdom of God, towards his celestial homeland…

However this spiritual unit is not a Union, an Alliance, a pact between men.  

It is much more than that!

This spiritual unit is simply the Rule of the Holy Spirit such as an artery  nem tudom mi lehet az eredeti Magyar de inkább a “gather” illik ideboth parts of this blood circulation.  

This spiritual unit is able to change our thoughts and actions.  

Completed this way, we’ll be able to be blessed by God, by His own presence.

This Alliance is the engagement, the wedding with the Bridegroom, the Husband, the Messiah. It is unique and realised by the union of both parts in one Body, the Body of Christ ,whose members accept their respective calling in obedience to the Will of God in one People of God.

Until this wedding isn’t realised, we have to analyse the reasons and the obstacles of that.

First of all, we must recognise and take back our places our own “seats”. Each of us has a precise place given by God. Our own identity has to be found coming from this God-given role. Our identity must also be restored so that we should hear and discern God’s precise messages and instructions that are connected with this Calling, this role, this place and this identity. We must also be able to receive the Holy Spirit’s leading to carry our role out well.

So we must purify ourselves together with our communities so that beside our identity in Christ, our earthly identity recovers too. This way, the links that unite us to the people we belong to can reinforce and be restored.  

The following questions have absolutely to be asked:

- Who is from Christ and who is simply a religious Christian?

- Who is Jewish or simply Israelite from his origin or according to his papers?

- Who belongs to the other People (Gentiles)?

- The Israeli or "spiritual" Jew as false identity…

- Who became similar to those from the other People?

We must act because it is not simply a matter of re-establishing the order anymore.   

All those who say to be or have a Chosen identity which is false are vulnerable and are not able to receive any blessing from God since they’re waiting for the fulfilment of promises that belong to another People.  

God can bless the will of two persons even if this will is soulish but pure, making it spiritual by establishing a three-pole link.

Union between Christ’s faithful and Messianic Jews is not a deliberately wished and wanted union.

This project of God existed even before the creation of these two Called People.

Jews first, then the pagans were carried for thousands of years so that in Him they should form a single Body where they can meet Him.  

God hasn’t got any project according to which He would like to make Jews from everybody.

He also hasn’t got any project by which every Jew should become a Gentile or member of any congregation composed by pagans, who became Christians.  

Another false idea is to think that anyone should submit to any Jewish or Messianic Jewish authority.  

There are lots of projects, of human movements and their variations that unite and gather.

Those projects and alliances are most of the time based on power and earthly goods that slows the fulfilment of the work of reunification of the Body of the Messiah whose head, Yeshua could unify with.

These are the alliances that unconsciously pass under antichrist powers.



The coming of the last and big Shavuot 


This huge project of God was revealed to us many times long since through prophecies and consists in a new and big Shavuot that looks like the well known Shavuot in every point, when the Holy Spirit of God will spread again over His People in the Spirit of Yeshua HaMashiach.  

During the “last and big Shavuot”, God’s People, who will stand in front of the Everlasting, claiming, crying, and exulting with joy and happiness will be composed by 3 parts:

- Jews living as Jews under the reign and the leadership of Yeshua HaMashiach.

- Gentiles having accepted the Messiah’s Redemption and having became members of God’s People from the other nations.  

- And do not forget that every Jew is the part of God’s People in the case when they accept and worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as the unique God.

Even the Jews who haven’t yet accepted Redemption are part of the eternal Alliance that their ancestors have passed with God on the Horeb and are in that way the inheritors of unavoidable promises that God has made.

The unavoidable “big Shavuot” is precisely coming for them! For those who remained faithful to God and who are still members of His faithful People even if they haven’t been able to recognise Yeshua HaMashiach yet!

Those who remained clean and prepared for the Big Day by the action of the Holy Spirit of God. Those who remained faithful to their Jewish identity despite the many difficulties and trials that this identity involves on one hand, and who also remained faithful to the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the others.  

This Shavuot won’t be a charismatic party not even a joyful Christian festival! It will be a great feast when the Body of the Messiah will unite and all members will be finally united in joy and happiness under the same and unique Rule of Yeshua HaMashiach…

It is the time of the gathering and of the birth of spiritual unity.

This Remnant won’t simply experience the spreading of the Holy Spirit (of Christ) of Yeshua HaMashiach but they also will recognise Yeshua HaMashiach of Nazareth as their Messiah…!

This Shavuot will be the moment when all people together with the remnant of the Jewish people that couldn’t recognise the Messiah because of the veil upon their eyes, will finally gather under the same flag, under Yeshua HaMashiach’s flag and will at last be united in one Spirit.  

This very precise moment of the History of Redemption will seal and fulfil God’s Project.

It will be the same Alliance that the one passed between Yeshua and His disciples around the table of the last dinner on this famous evening of Seder that will be fulfilled and stabilized.  

Nowadays, many are those who would like to make this alliance with others.

There are Jewish alliances, as well as messianic alliances, Christian or charismatic alliances...

However we must recognise that the only and real legitimate alliance that could exist, the unity and the spiritual union given to all men and lying in the final act of gathering of the Body of Christ is only in the hands and the Will of God.

In the hands of the One who spread His Grace upon mankind by the Spirit of the Messiah.

The last big Shavuot won’t be carried out by the human will, not even by any alliance. We, the members of Christ’s Body, have to do only one thing: by the leading of the Holy Spirit, remind the guests that time is near…

It only depends on God to know in which precise moment shall His Holy Spirit open the eyes of the Remnant that is not saved yet, the eyes of His unsaved People so that it would recognise the Spirit of the Messiah.  

All those who know God are led by God’s Spirit. This way, many Jews and religious Christians will have the opportunity to recognise the Everlasting Yeshua HaMashiach of Nazareth and His Spirit, the Holy Spirit that will fill up everyone.

The main duty of the Body of Christ today is the following:  

To lead every man to God and penitence. Since only the repented man is able to recognise the Son, Yeshua HaMashiach through the Father and will be able to be born again and receive a new life, in which the Spirit of Yeshua HaMashiach is leading and ruling.

However the ministry towards Jews is different!

Every Jew has first to be brought back to God to be member of God’s People again.  

It is God Himself who brings every member of His People to recognise personally the Messiah in Yeshua of Nazareth.

God hasn’t consigned this mission to men but still it is carried out through men.  

This is the reason why men cannot create any alliance that would unite them to Jews.  

The reason forthat it is the Alliance that God has already made with them and it cannot co-exist with any other human alternative or parallel alliance!

The unique possible alliance between Messianic Jews and Christianity that belongs to Christ is the Spirit of the Messiah!

Those who are not under the leadership of the Spirit of the Messiah but under another one, or those who reject the Holy Spirit or His functioning are unable to have any community with Jews belonging to the Body of the Messiah, serving Him and fulfilling their duty and mission as Jewish faithful.

For the same reason no Messianic Jew can be under the spiritual leadership of any Christian organisation of any kind. Even in the spiritual union of the Holy Spirit, the Messianic Jew has a parallel mission that can look like or at most be partly identical to the mission of the Gentiles but still remains very particular. The calling of the Messianic Jew is the following:

As People of Israel and before the eyes of the other nations, we have to raise high the flag of the King Messiah and claim the name of the Victory, His name as a war insignia. We have to be flags ourselves raising His flag! 

The last Shavuot will be closed when Messianic Jewish community will raise high the Messiah as a flag and when it will call people from other nations and belong to God’s People to gather under it.

All this will happen when they will lead religious Christians from Jesus to Christ, from the crucifix to resurrection, from the Golgotha to the road of Emmaus…

The faithful Jews for their part will see the Messiah first through these two People gathered under the same flag. At that moment they will be able to recognise the One they are expecting for thousands of years and Who they have not been able to recognise yet, the Messiah Yeshua HaMashiach of Nazareth.
Translated from hungarian by Richard (Zeev Shlomo)

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