Music - Songs - Dances
Contemporary Jewish songs and dances
Yaakov, Béla Orbán

But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Psa. 22,3

In the past years the Jewish songs became an integral part of worship and praise in many assemblies. And also the so-called Jewish dances danced to Jewish music appeared. And some groups offer these dance courses as a fixed part of their programme.

And singers appear in Christian circles from time to time who preach that this form of art is a good means to successfully evangelise the Jewish people while at the same time they believe that the original Jewish music sometimes has a miraculous influence on their faith and desire, and still it remains a myth.

It is not my responsibility to uncover the often and sometimes exclusive financial catch behind this phenomenon, but I think that it would be useful to enlighten the "overjoyed" Christians who expect miracles and good "methods" about some facts. Although it is impossible to approach this problem briefly, it is still possible to clarify in a few words in order to prevent the false use of Jewish songs.

In fact we must make a difference between the joy that comes from our souls and the praise of God on the spiritual level. While examing this subject we realize that it is only possible to discern these things if we get to know the Jewish People, their lives, customs, history, mentality and relationship with God. And even if we recognise this only in part, we already receive an instructive and revealing message that could change our own psychic and spiritual lives.
Most of the time what appeals to many in the Jewish dances and music is the attraction of the unknown behind it.
This applies just as much to the simply religious but pure-minded Christian, as to the one who is born again in Spirit and belongs to the Body of Christ. Jewish People have been called to always bear messages, testimonies and a prophetic calling.
This mission of the Jews towards the people of other nations, whether consciously or unconsciously, is always in humility and according to the will of God.

At first we have to state very precisely that - as strange as it could seem - Jewish music or dance per se does not exist!
Yet there exists an enormously variety of a more or less homogenous Israeli music, songs and dances .... . Similar to the contemporary Israeli people who return to God’s Land from more than one hundred different countries to rejoin in the Promised Land. All these people come with numerous good and bad habits and traditions from the countries of the Diaspora.

Because of the small number of Jews living in Israel and the formation of communities of friendship in the beginning, and because of the physical and intellectual influence of the different alien powers among them, no national culture could develop and be established. And the poets expressed themselves in the languages of those alien powers. Moreover the Jews enriched the culture, the art and the language of the people among whom they lived in the Diaspora. 

And also in this country they added to the spiritual and psychical life of the people that, which makes it more beautiful and attractive to those who have a more sensible soul than the average person.

Today we witnesses the revival of the Central and Eastern European Jewish musical activity, and as a matter of fact in Hungary too.
We have to mentioned as well that these artists have an enormous knowledge of religious literature besides their musical and comical talents . They brought amusement to the public by means of visual and musical shows.
Similarly in order to survive, the wedding and other-kind-of-party Jewish orchestras appeared at the Purim parties, the so-called Klezmers (Kle zemer : musical instrument).
Those Hunagarian Jewish traditional musicians - called the Hungarian Gypsy-Jews –were organized in orchestras, who developed and conserved the traditional Hungarian folk music. One of it is the well-known Csárdás, a Hungarian folkloric dance, which was invented by the Jews.
Thus the secularized music became Hungarian music, and as the Jewish musicians did not continue in this musical branch it was adopted by gypsies. And as a consequence this music is known today as the Hungarian Gypsy music.

All these things interest us only to see that there is no Jewish music or dance which was conserved from the ancient times in the Diaspora.
In the Synagogues too there are only a few hymns born in foreign countries, and if we research them, we find that despite of being unseparable from the local music they had still preserved some characteristics of Judaism.

It can be said nevertheless that Jewish music and even literature testify of a constant, timeless and spaceless spiritual unity which arose from the continual interaction with the Bible.
Until the destruction of the Second Temple, the religious feelings were so much characteristic of the life of the Jewish people that the Jews did not even aspire to any secular artistic way of life.
During the centuries the Jewish people researched the reasons for their pain and sufferings by seriously studying the Sciptures in order to find the answers and the consolation for their mourning in the Diaspora.

During the centuries the common life with the people of the host countries led to assimilation and also to a reciprocal traditional enrichment.
Because the Jews migrated to other continents all this changed, their traditions adopted also new values which enriched the lives of the Jews who lived there. 
A very good example for this is the Yiddisch language which originates in from Central Europe and which is practicaly not used anymore in its countries of origin while it is almost considered to be the mother tongue of the American Jews today, where a whole series of artistical works have been created.

After this introduction we have to ask the question: What makes the music, the songs and the dances of the people with Jewish origin so attractive? 
And we cannot talk about uniform or traditional Jewish music but at most of Israeli music ....
And if we say Israeli, we exclude the Jews still living in the Diaspora, and face a new problem that needs clarification. Another question related to this is to know why there is such a love at first sight as soon as we come to Israel and see the people living in it ?

The answer to both question is the same and can be given by the following anecdote :

A few weeks ago we celebrated in Budapest the anniversary of the creation of the State of Israel with some hundred Jews, friends and with two hundred Israeli soldiers and policemen from different units, who didn’t know each other and came to a foreign country upon the invitation of their Jewish fellowmen who live here.
In the early afternoon the Israeli music was played back from a cassette at the ceremony through the loudspeakers. A lot of people - only a few of them were of Jewish origin - danced there as if they had learned it at dance classes. There were a few guests who tried to join the dance but without success. After a few minutes they left the dance floor feeling the lack of this little extra thing that wasn’t there despite of the quality of the music and sound.

At the same moment people pressed others to knead the dough for the pita with their own hands and to cook it on the burning stone together with the others.
What could it be that attracts people so much to each other ? The pitas or the coffee given free of charge? Neither was extraordinary, nor extra free, and yet it brought a smile to everyone’s face!

During that time the children became soldiers and the soldiers became children.
The children put the soldier’s caps on their heads and pinned their medals on their breast while the probably battle-tried soldiers, tough young men and women, also pinned on their breasts the small blinking Izraeli flags they recieved from the same children.

Without realizing it, this inexplicable thing grew in me, which could be called a family feeling. And yet it is more than that. As I watched these scenes I smiled and felt that I was at home with my own family. 

Now that I am thinking back of it, I’m trying to find the reasons why these external pictures created such an emotional or spiritual reaction inside me. 

We could clearly see that people were searching for fellowship with each other at this festivity in all kinds of ways. These people had a common experience:  cooking pitas, creating cement statues, playing together and by finding all sorts of ways to create links, to get to know each other and to make friends. They started common activities and even offered gifts to one another. 

The other interesting thing to see was that people started to sing and dance together spontaneously.
When the Klezmer music started, a kind of circle dance was formed to these tunes. The modern popular music also brought the people to a kind of circle dance. 

It almost seemed that no matter of what kind of music was being played, the result was always the same : singing in a choir and dancing in a closed circle by holding each other by the hand. As a phenomenon it spread to the whole crowd which joined as one, and the participants rejoiced together.

My surprise was growing even more when after the final songs the singing and dancing continued and even got more intense.
When the instruments fell silent, it was the turn of the words HaMashiach, Halleluya and Jerusalem to fill the whole square. 

The waiting for the Messiah, thanksgiving and the expression of being a citizen of Jerusalem, the city of God, rose above all human joy or hope. This grace was given to each person individually but also to the Nation, to the communities or to families. This thanksgiving made it almost impossible for the show to go on and the musicians were almost unabled to continue with the program.

My dear friend!
When you experience this in Israel or somewhere else where Jewish people gather, something could resound inside of you. And the wish could come up in you to live what likewise. 
May this short narration serve as a teaching or warning to you because unfortunately many times the human feelings often prevail over the spiritual ones.
The short description of the celebration draws our attention to at least three kinds of different feelings which are "missing items" in a secularised, globalised, and atheist world of the New Age :

-    less and less people and nations have an identity, roots, a common "Jerusalem..."
-    in the developed countries, thanksgiving for anything is getting rarer and at the same time the search for fortune and happiness is growing every day.
-    instead of waiting for the return of the Messiah Yeshua HaMashiach, whole crowds live collectively in apathy or depression saying that : "something will certainly happen…"

I sadly observe that because of this lack the people and Christians are disappointed and try to find these lost feelings through the Jews. It is not seldom that instead of following Yeshua Christians convert to Judaism. Their state becomes worse because becoming a Jew means at the same time to leave the dominion of Christ and to submit to an antichristian spirituality. 
And a serious schizophrenic state arises in their spiritual lives, as nobody can serve two masters at the same time…

Because of similar reasons and the dangers of proselytizing and so-called "messianic assemblies" appeared who in reality simply imitate Jewish traditions, songs and dances. 
Although they are free from strange spirits, they still progress on a wrong way.
The reason of that is that a false identity develops because they rebel and disobey God’s commandments, plans and calling.  
For this reason, these Christians are only fit for partial ministry and they exclude themselves from ministries towards or among the Jews which they were decreed by the Will of God.
Jews welcome with respect persons that convert to Judaism but consider the judaizing Christians as pitiful persons but kind strangers.

If somebody eats in a Chinese restaurant every day, or even learns how to cook in a Chinese kitchen, that will never make the person Chinese. 
And likewise, keeping and preserving Jewish traditions doesn’t make a Jew of anyone !

Well then, which is the right way to follow?

The Christian world looks more and more like the World, and its symtoms are getting clearer and more painful. 
-    The assemblies become more and more secular.
So it would be high time to not only hunt after joy and happiness but also to reestablish the unity of the Holy Trinity. It is time to get to know God as the Eternal One, to obey Him and to prepare ourselves to welcome the return of Yeshua HaMashiah, the anointed King in joy and happiness. 

-    Christianity is an integral part of globalisation.
Instead of ecumenism and the merging of the three monoteistic religions, the Body of Christ should be built and be functional as Jesus asked for in His prayer in John 17. 

-Because of the self-redemption and the presence of false charismatics, Christianity resembles to the New Age and the world. 
I wish that the desire in the Body of Christ would be much greater to construct this union, to praise united as one people, giving thanks to God for the Messiah and for "Jerusalem" our celestial home !

The Jewish people will always be prophetic for us, an eternal roadsign. 

As they preserved their identity, the unity of the Jewish people, the Psalms are filling their hearts, - with the hope for the Messiah and with thanksgiving. Thus the Chosen People are a good example for the Body of Christ or even for Christianity.

God’s People and the Body of Christ will only be filled with joy when their identity is restored and when the certainty of their salvation and heavenly citizenship will become reality!

Neither the feelings nor the knowledge can be imitated nor substituted. 

When putting Jewish dances and songs into the center of interest this is simple self mystification, and it could also be the source of disobedience.

And when we see a group or a community of Jews dancing and singing Jewish songs, we must be able to recognise the real essence of the phenomenon behind and amongst the psychic experience. 

The person who belongs to a people or a community is able to recognise and accept his place inside it together with his identity in love and with responsibility.
The one who looks at the skys and waits for the return of the restoration of Jerusalem and of its King reigning in it, does not do anything else day after day than to wait for the return of the Messiah.
The heart of the one who recognises and accepts Yeshua is filled with joy and happiness because he lives in peace and joy.

It is high time that we accept God’s Will for our lives together with our Lord Yeshua HaMashiach instead of looking for easy solutions and for false and useless joy!

Today the Jewish People only have songs that talk about the Messiah, ie., praises and psalms giving thanks to God for His Laws. They sing them while dancing around the Torah and confirm thereby that they accept those Laws.

I believe that this repertoire of songs will soon be expanded with songs and hymns of personal prayer, complaint and repentance. After this proof of faithfulness towards God the door will be open to all Jews to recognise and to accept Yeshua HaMashiach.

While you, who were a pagan and became a Christian , should know these psalms and new ones, should have been born in your heart and mind, why are you still and always looking behind yourself into the past ?
Your psalms should not simply praise God’s grace but also the Holy Trinity’s one. Your Messiah isn’t unknown to you anymore but Yeshua lives in you, whom you should welcome and expect with joy.
Your are not alone anymore and you should also praise the name of Immanuel who lives in your heart. Yeshua who was born in you, and the Holy Spirit who leads you.

And indeed, the Jewish songs and dances are very beautiful and attractive…

But your People are the Body of Christ, and thus your songs and dances should not only praise God, but also the Messiah your King. 

Celestial identity, King of Heaven, Eternal God, Eternal Life and Kingdom of Heaven…

And all this could belong to you through the Holy Spirit if you obey God’s Will and put your life into the hands of Yeshua. 

And thus thanks to your submission, your life as a disciple, your earthly identity and also every part of your life will get in order.

I wish that all psychic joy that you have already felt through the Jewish People by their calling and prophetic testimony could rise up in you to spiritual joy.
It is only through the Will of God, and in Yeshua and by the peace and the joy received from the Holy Spirit that you will be able to be a testimony to many Christians who wait for recovery.
The secular songs which come from the soul attract many masses and touch very deep feelings. 
But on the contrary, the growth and blossoming of the Body of Christ can only happen through spiritual purification and cleansing which is followed by the leading of the Lord.
However, 30% of the people present in this festivity were Israeli soldiers of Lebanese and Druse origin who are Christians but in spite of that were embracing the Jews with love. 
This is the way that God’s Spirit can unite us : In the Eternal One and one day in Yeshua through the Holy Spirit.
We could ask the following question : Are we allowed to use Jewish songs and dances ? The answer is Yes, if those songs praise the Holy Trinity.
But our joy, our praises, our prayers, our repentance, our complaints and everything, that is psalms and songs are only pure if they come from our hearts or if we are united in one heart and spirit with those who are around us.
Yet we may only come before our Lord in His Sanctuary if we are clean. Before Him only the pure and sanctified ones are allowed to present themselves. 

We are allowed to use also the songs and psalms that Israel sings from the bottom of its heart to praise the Eternal One, but our songs also have to be sung in praise of Yeshua.
Thus we complete, teach and strengthen each other, we are then able to present ourselves before Trinity’s God.
This is the basis for the new praise which comes from our hearts - which could also be born in our Christian communities…

Translated from hungarian by Richard (Zeev Shlomo)

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